Power Smart


Power Smart Testimonials

"For three years now our 17 year old daughter has struggled with depression, contemplated suicide and generally withdrew herself from day to day family life at home. She could not bring herself to eat or attend school or her job at a local gymnastics center which she loved so much. She was eventually kicked out of school for not attending and had no goals in life. We have struggled to determine the cause seeking medical, counseling and psychological advice. Medical depression treatment made her lethargic, she resented us for making her take medication and continued to be withdrawn. Multiple visits to three separate psychologists for counseling produced no results. A supportive family had no effect on her lack of motivation as she continued to spend hours alone in her room..."

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"I heard about the Sine Tamer from a good friend who was concerned about me and who also has had a Sine Tamer installed in her home. In previous correspondence, I had shared with her about how ill I became when exposed to anything wireless such as WiFi and Smart Meters. My health was impacted so drastically that I had to leave my teaching career and my husband, and I was forced to move from our home in town..."

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Our Clients

Cratus Canada Ltd. Contacts


Terry Stotyn           
Owner Manager
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Amy Osborne
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Cratus Information

Cratus Group utilizes the latest innovations from "SineTamer" and the experience that ECS brings. Using “SineTamer” products “future proofs” your valuable assets.Your Profitability will not be affected by the ongoing degradation of the power grid.

Cratus will conduct an analysis of the power entering and distributed throughout your facility. Our technicians, using state-of-the-art  technology, can diagnose the many different types of power problems you may be experiencing.